December 24, 2014
May this commemoration of the birth of Yeshua, Eashoa’, Iesous, Iesus, Isa, or Jesus, acknowledged round the world and considered by many synonymous with hope and justice, remind those who, while masquerading as anointed dispensers of free will, devote their lives, as if immortal, to the futile pursuit of the accumulation of wealth and its conjoined twin, the power to destroy.
As hatred continues to simmer unabated and flashes come forth from giant cauldrons of potentially species-ending wars, we should reflect on that glowing lesson from the annals of human history, now several thousand years old and amplified by the Internet: there has never been nonproliferation of weapons or wealth.
Let us all, then, be mindful that that most humble of elements –hydrogen, the maker of water- is destined to replace fossil fuels. The latter are at once the poison destroying our planet’s environment and biology and a principal accomplice in the accumulation of wealth and power, itself the cause of bone crushing poverty torturing and killing, in countless ways, the body and spirit of billions, at home and abroad.
Thankfully there is hope, but the choice is wholly within the purview and responsibility of our leaders. They and those who support them can either embrace an imperceptible, gradual transition to the fuel of the near future, and as President Kennedy bluntly put it, “abolish (nuclear weapons) before they abolish us” or continue to believe in victory where there is only death.