09/29/2915 Transcript of an excerpt of his speech at the United Nations 70th Session, 09/28/2015 “The issues that affect the future of all people include the challenge of global climate change. It is in our interest to make the U.N. Climate Change Conference to be held in December in Paris … Continue reading
Category Archives: REFERENCE
President Obama’s Clean Power Plan
09/29/2015 On August 3, 2015, in the East Room of the White House, President Obama announced the Clean Power Plan Here is a transcript of the video. “Our climate is changing. It’s changing in ways that threaten our economy, our security, and our health. This isn’t an opinion; it’s a … Continue reading
Greek Debt
July 7, 2015 It is in no one’s interest, including the United States, to let Greece collapse. Greece’s creditors might lose most -if not all- of what they’re owed and the Greek people would suffer immensely for an indefinite period of time. The potential social, political, economic and even military … Continue reading
Sixth Mass Extinction is Here
June 19, 2015 A study led by experts from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Stanford University, Princeton University and the University of California, Berkeley presents conclusive evidence indicating that the 6th mass extinction of animals is currently taking place, and humans are to blame.
The Environment Encyclical
June 18, 2015 His Holiness the Pope does not need to be defended by anyone for his ground-breaking encyclical. But a few t’s need to be crossed and some i’s dotted. Firstly, as head of state -the Vatican is a sovereign state- he is entitled to speak out on behalf … Continue reading
Crops and Climate: Plants Will Suffer as Earth Warms (Op-Ed)
June 16, 2015 By Marlene Cimons, Climate Nexus Marlene Cimons writes for Climate Nexus, a nonprofit that aims to tell the climate story in innovative ways that raise awareness of, dispel misinformation about and showcase solutions to climate change and energy issues in the United States. She contributed this article … Continue reading
Sao Paulo’s Water Crisis
December 9, 2014 Sao Paulo, a city of 20 million people, has water for 60 days. Whether the cause is global warming, deforestation in the Amazon, or something else is irrelevant. The point is that the city depends on rainfall to replenish its reservoirs. Well, it’s not raining, and there’s … Continue reading
Swiss Water Splitter – 2014
December 8, 2014 The ongoing worldwide effort to improve the efficiency of using solar energy to split water to produce hydrogen -electrolysis- has added a new milestone. Scientists from Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland have achieved a solar energy to hydrogen conversion efficiency of 12.3 percent using … Continue reading
Compromise at the Convention on Climate Change, Lima 2014
December 7, 2014 As at previous similar conventions, there is agreement on the overall goal, not on who should do what, when, and pay how much. Rather than repeating the entire list of disagreements, the following might become the basis for a possible compromise. The overall goal is to reduce … Continue reading
Australian Solar Panels 40% Efficient
December 7, 2014 Researchers at the University of New South Wales announced that they were able to convert more than 40% of sunlight hitting panels into electricity. The tests were replicated at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the United States. A similar breakthrough (44.7%) at the Fraunhofer Institute for … Continue reading