Website Guide

Wikisolver is a collaborative website that compiles, in one place, an extensive list of major problems threatening humanity’s very existence. In response, the site offers strategic solutions based on documented observations and facts. It is not, nor does it aspire to be, a technical manual. On the other hand, neither … Continue reading

Lesson From the Maya

The earthly achievements of the Maya are well known and beyond dispute. In fact, at their peak they equaled, if not surpassed, renowned contemporaries like the Greeks and Chinese. Accordingly, it is astonishing, allowing even for the stifling effect of the Spanish Conquest, that Maya religion –long since dismissed at … Continue reading

Popol Vuh Ethical-Moral Standards

 GOD Cabahuil is the Creator (other names are Itzamná, Hunab Ku, Hunrakán in various Mayan languages. The monotheistic conception is based on the idea of plurality within unity. God is omnipotent and the dark forces are only an instrument of His purpose. SON/DAUGHTER OF GOD The birth of the twins … Continue reading

Raphael Girard

Maya Ethnographer and Archaeologist Born in Martigny, Switzerland on October 30, 1898; died in Guatemala City, Guatemala on December 25, 1982. His parents were Joseph Girard, a public works businessman, and Melanie Besse de Girard, elementary schoolteacher, who died when Raphael was 14; although a firstborn child, he had numerous … Continue reading

The Categoric Report

March 16, 2016 The Mayan Lesson  Human nature does not change; it only repeats itself. The ancient Maya, a singularly gifted civilization that rose, peaked, declined and collapsed almost simultaneously with the Roman Empire, left a vast historical record: a tale of an unholy alliance of kings, priests, and military … Continue reading

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