Category Archives: Demographics
Immigration Facts
April 7, 2018 President Trump’s recent orders to deploy the National Guard along the Mexican border calls for a frank, truthful analysis of the facts. Incidentally, his immediate predecessors did the same thing. All sovereign nations have the right to seal their borders if they so choose. In fact, two … Continue reading
Study: World population to hit 11.2 billion by 2100
August 5, 2017 The United Nations projects (absent a terminal war) that the world’s population is likely to reach 11.2 billion by 2100.
Extreme Poverty Worse For Men
April 3, 2016 Writing for the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Eleni Karageorge reports that researchers in the National Bureau of Economic Research have found that men who experienced poverty as children suffered greater economic consequences than women who grew up in poverty. Gender differences in employment rates varied. Among … Continue reading
Demographic Change And Racial Inequalities
07/14/2013 The success of minority children who will form a new majority is crucial to future U.S. economic competitiveness. A wave of immigration, the aging of non-Hispanic white women beyond child-bearing years and a new baby boom are diminishing the proportion of children who are white. Already, half of U.S. … Continue reading
Unrecognizable Planet?
Planet ‘unrecognizable’ by 2050 – Experts 2/20/2011 A growing, more affluent population competing for ever scarcer resources could make for an “unrecognizable” world by 2050, researchers warned at a major US science conference Sunday. The United Nations has predicted the global population will reach seven billion this year, and climb … Continue reading