The Players

Top Ten Economies, Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP)                                                 Real GDP       Manufacturing     Manufacturing                                     Trillions $            Percent               Trillions $                 United States          20.94                    11                       2.30                          China                       14.72                   27                       3.97                      Japan                        5.05                    20                       1.01 Germany                   3.84                    18                       0.64 United Kingdom        2.08                      9                       0.19 India                          2.66                    14                       0.37 France                       2.63                      9                … Continue reading

Historical Record

Breton Woods Roots In 1944, with the approaching defeat of Germany all but certain, representatives of forty-four nations met in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire to create a new international monetary system. This Bretton Woods System, which became fully operational in 1958, was essentially a mechanism to settle international accounts in … Continue reading

Homes Too Expensive

They say all real estate is local, but the West has more recently been an indicator of what is to come for the rest of the nation. It was the first region to crash in the mid-2000’s and the first to show signs of recovery toward the end of the … Continue reading

Inside Countrywide

WorkingRE Magazine Interview: Appraiser Who Brought Down Countrywide By Isaac Peck, Associate Editor The U.S. housing bubble and the corresponding real estate market crash of 2007-2008 brought about one of the most severe economic downturns in America since the Great Depression. The fallout was extensive: banks failed, established companies declared … Continue reading

The U.S. and China at Crossroads

When it comes to Sino-American relations, few westerners have the knowledge, understanding and experience of former Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger. Speaking at the National Committee on U.S. China Relations Gala Dinner on November 14, 2019, he explained: • The (U.S.) relationship with China started because both felt threatened … Continue reading

Thucydides & Tariffs

June 26, 2018 President Trump has decided to levy tariffs primarily on Chinese, European, Mexican, Canadian, Indian and Turkish products, and in so doing, he has alienated them all. Presumably, following the same logic –that the trade deficit is unsustainable- at some point he’ll have to do the same with … Continue reading

Not By Accident

April 4, 2018 Costa Rica, a beacon of democracy with just over five million people, is known for its natural beauty, biodiversity, warm oceans, green energy, and surprisingly good football (soccer) players. Now it leads the world in GDP/hour worked, and it’s not a fluke. What makes this tiny country … Continue reading

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