December 27, 2017 Researchers at Columbia University have developed the first demonstration of a practical, floating, membrane-free and pump-free photovoltaic-driven electrolysis device. The device consists of platforms of solar-powered electrolyzers floating on the sea to generate hydrogen fuel. It uses electrodes made of sheets of titanium mesh suspended in water. … Continue reading
Category Archives: Energy
Speaking Of National Security Strategies
December 25, 2017 Background President Trump did not cause America’s decline; it’s been many years in the making. Once the preeminent surplus nation with a strong manufacturing base, it has morphed into an alarming case of perennial trade deficits and a (growing) $20.1 trillion national debt, the worst in history. … Continue reading
Mass Production of Hydrogen Needed
October 21, 2017 Rapidly melting glaciers in northwestern China and throughout the world are expected to disappear completely within the next 50 years, a global catastrophe in the making. They are in some cases the principal source of water (the other being groundwater which is also being rapidly depleted) for … Continue reading
Hydrogen Exports as a Specific Special Drawing Rights (SDR) Criterion
January 29, 2019 Western Reserve Currencies and the Quest for Dominance Historically, shifts in reserve currencies have brought pivotal changes in the global balance of power. Beginning with the 15th Century, which marked Western Europe’s global ascendancy, the currencies of the empires of Portugal (1450-1530), Spain (1530-1640), the Netherlands (1640-1720), … Continue reading
Solar-powered Photocatalytic Water Splitter
May 7, 2017 China’s University of Science and Technology reports that using solar energy to produce hydrogen and oxygen from water is a sustainable technology. A research group led by Professor Xiong Yujie has developed a class of noble-metal-free Z-scheme photocatalysts which exhibit an enhanced performance in photocatalytic hydrogen production … Continue reading
Global Oil Reserves
April 22, 2017 Oil reserves by country, their value at $50 per barrel, and loss each would incur if 80% is left in the ground to cope with climate change. Since most of the financial wealth in the world is owned by a minuscule percent of the population (10% in … Continue reading
Additional 304 Million Cubic Feet of Natural Gas Discovered
April 22, 2017 In a report, the U.S. Geological Survey estimates there are 304 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in the Bossier and Haynesville formations of the U.S. Gulf Coast. If true, this would increase production of fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions at a time when the ongoing … Continue reading
U.S. Water-Energy Nexus Report -2014
Water-Energy Nexus report issued by the U.S. Department of Energy, June 2014. Lengthy .pdf document in English, may take a few minutes to load.
Chinese & Australian Shale Gas
Chinese & Australian Shale Gas 05/29/2014 China Although serious obstacles remain, China is finally making progress on tapping its vast shale gas reserves, which hold the promise of a new source of clean energy for the coal smoke-choked country. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, China holds the world’s … Continue reading