Better Than Grid Parity

Electricity in Hawaii costs $0.38 per kilowatt hour, almost treble the national average of around $0.13, which incidentally does not factor in the damage to the environment caused by using fossil fuels to generate electricity. Solar power, which can cost $0.30 per KWH, is now actually cheaper than grid electricity. … Continue reading

Solar Power Economics

October 24, 2014 Here’s an example –albeit of limited scope- of how solar power could be used to reduce unemployment. An Arizona-based private company will build a 60-megawatt solar power plant on 600 acres of dry, vacant land near Mendota, California, a drought-stricken community with near 30% unemployment about 25 … Continue reading

New Solar Tracking System Improves Production by 22 to 28%

Mass Megawatts recently announced the company’s entry into the $12 billion, US solar power market with the development of a new solar tracking technology that significantly increases the level of energy produced by solar power systems. This innovative design, combined with substantial government incentives, has created an unprecedented opportunity for … Continue reading

Solar Power With Gold Nanocluster Technology

Western scientists revolutionize solar power with new “gold nanocluster” technology September 25, 2014 Scientists at Western University have discovered that a small molecule created with just 144 atoms of gold can increase solar cell performance by more than 10 per cent. These findings, published recently by the high-impact journal Nanoscale, … Continue reading

Generating Solar Power At Night

Israeli firm looks to keep solar power generators running at night By Ari Rabinovitch Reuters NEGEV DESERT Israel (Reuters) – An Israeli solar power company, Brenmiller Energy, says it has developed a new, more efficient way to store heat from the sun that could give a boost to the thermal … Continue reading

University of Glasgow Water Splitter

Decoupled catalytic hydrogen evolution from a molecular metal oxide redox mediator in water splitting Benjamin Rausch, Mark D. Symes, Greig Chisholm, Leroy Cronin* WestCHEM, School of Chemistry, University of Glasgow, University Avenue, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK. The electrolysis of water using renewable energy inputs is being actively pursued as a … Continue reading

Stanford University Water Splitter

Stanford scientists develop water splitter that runs on an ordinary AAA battery Aug. 22, 2014 By Mark Shwartz In 2015, American consumers will finally be able to purchase fuel cell cars from Toyota and other manufacturers. Although touted as zero-emissions vehicles, most of the cars will run on hydrogen made … Continue reading


October 15, 2014 Lockheed Martin announced that it has made a fusion-related technological breakthrough. It would use deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen found in the ocean, to generate nearly 10 million times more energy that the same amount of fossil fuels. There would be no radioactive waste. At first glance … Continue reading

Conversion Factors

Specific equations available here Various measures, conversions and definitions used for hydrogen systems STP = standard temperature/pressure = 0°C (32°f) and 1 bar (≈1 atmosphere).Some references say STP is 25°C (77°f), reason unknown.NTP = normal temperature/pressure = 20°C (68°f) and 1 atm (atmosphere). Functionally, NTP is almost the same as … Continue reading

War On Coal?

What ‘war on coal’? The carbon fuel is doing fine Javier E. David    | @TeflonGeek 06/03/2014 If there’s a war on coal, someone may have forgotten to tell the primary target. As the Environmental Protection Agency unveils new standards on cutting carbon emissions at U.S. power plants, a confluence … Continue reading

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