July 4, 2021 BackgroundA long-awaited, unclassified Preliminary Assessment of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena issued by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence is an unexpected silver lining to the Covid-19 pandemic: The $2.3 trillion relief bill signed by then-President Donald Trump actually required the Pentagon to continue investigating UAPs and … Continue reading
Category Archives: Opinions
Update – May 2021
May 23, 2021 A Strategic Commodity Winston Churchill’s decision to replace coal by oil for the primary source of power of the Royal Navy forced Britain, which at the time had no known domestic oil fields, to seek, acquire and maintain control of oil deposits in distant lands. On May … Continue reading
Winning Over Republican Voters
November 9, 2020 The frenzy of election day may be behind us, but the turmoil and uncertainty continue: the calm before the storm, if you will. The reason for that grim assessment is because the Democrats did not win the hearts of roughly half the population. In simple terms, unless they … Continue reading
The Green New Deal Considered
May 15, 2019 BackgroundForget the Muller report. Assuming “the Russians” did in fact attempt to influence our elections, which incidentally, is entirely possible, by what right other than might do we criticize them for doing so when we ourselves ignore the Charter of the United Nations, and thus international law, … Continue reading
Thucydides & Tariffs
June 26, 2018 President Trump has decided to levy tariffs primarily on Chinese, European, Mexican, Canadian, Indian and Turkish products, and in so doing, he has alienated them all. Presumably, following the same logic –that the trade deficit is unsustainable- at some point he’ll have to do the same with … Continue reading
May 22, 2018 If President Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal –otherwise known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action- on May 9, 2018 appears to be misguided, arrogant, and self-destructive, rest assured, nothing is at it seems. With a stroke of his pen he managed at once to … Continue reading
Speaking Of National Security Strategies
December 25, 2017 Background President Trump did not cause America’s decline; it’s been many years in the making. Once the preeminent surplus nation with a strong manufacturing base, it has morphed into an alarming case of perennial trade deficits and a (growing) $20.1 trillion national debt, the worst in history. … Continue reading
Dawn of a New World Order
October 12, 2017 Over the last forty years China spectacularly lifted hundreds of millions from poverty, a stunning achievement by any measure. In contrast, during the same time frame the United States created more billionaires –it has more than any other nation- and … Continue reading
Hate & Trade
November 20, 2016 The U.S. 2016 presidential election laid bare the abysmal rift mocking our cherished Latin motto, e pluribus unum –from many, one. Xenophobia and hatred, its conjoined twin, long dormant, have unabashedly reemerged to threaten anew the very fabric of our nation. This is not … Continue reading
General Guderian And The Importance Of Moscow
BackgroundThe expansion of NATO to the Ukraine would recreate the military situation in the Eastern Front after the first Battle of Kiev in 1941, a major victory for the Wehrmacht which would subsequently lead to the unsuccessful assault on Moscow. The ensuing “Winter War” and the Soviet counterattack in December … Continue reading