Security and Logic

July 4, 2021

A long-awaited, unclassified Preliminary Assessment of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena issued by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence  is an unexpected silver lining to the Covid-19 pandemic: The $2.3 trillion relief bill signed by then-President Donald Trump actually required the Pentagon to continue investigating UAPs and release its findings to the public. Worldwide sightings by reputable and plentiful eyewitnesses abound. The good news is that now there’s a required-by-law disclosure mechanism in place akin to the White House Press Secretary’s regular briefings. The bad news is that this first report admits that a significant portion of these sightings do not conform to current U.S. technology. The objects are able to accelerate instantly at speeds in excess of anything we’re capable of, change directions suddenly, impervious to g-forces that should rip them apart, and dive into the ocean and emerge flying at such speeds. Among other things, these observations suggest an intelligence able to make gravity at will, and by extension, gravitational shields that make them invulnerable to anything we have. To put that in perspective, we are of course aware of gravity, but we don’t even know what it is. The report leaves open the possibility that some of the events may be attributable to “technologies deployed by China, Russia, another nation, or a non-governmental entity.” That begs the question, if that is so, why are they investing so heavily on comparatively primitive systems like hypersonic missiles?

The Problem
The intelligence community’s thunderous silence on the subject is not reassuring. If anything, it tacitly admits that we are at the mercy of a superior intelligence. That of course opens the door to security concerns that transcend anything humanity has ever experienced, at least not in recorded history: the possibility of extraterrestrial invasion, enslavement, or even outright extermination. Long ago Carl Sagan said that “extraordinary claims require for validation extraordinary evidence.” This UAP report is that evidence.

Despite unparalleled ongoing and worsening tensions and disputes, emergency links exist between Russia and the U.S., and presumably with China, to avoid thermonuclear war. The possibility of extraterrestrial invasion by beings with vastly superior technological knowhow should not be ignored. Accordingly, if an agreement, even in principle, does not exist to instantly activate a (currently dormant) planetary command, then the great powers should give it the priority it deserves. No one knows if other less-benign extraterrestrials are on the way.

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