February 18, 2018 A collaborative study by scientists from the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Pulse Institute (Stanford University, Menlo Park, CA) Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (Menlo Park, CA) and Dalian University of Technology (Dalian, China) and first published in Nature Communications reports that … Continue reading
Category Archives: Hydrogen
Solar Cell Catalyst up to 114% Efficient
January 2, 2018 A collaborative effort of researchers with New Jersey Institute of Technology, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the Colorado School of Mines and San Diego State University resulted in the invention of a quantum dot photoelectrochemical cell that catalytically achieved quantum efficiency for hydrogen gas production exceeding 100% efficiency. … Continue reading
Kyushu University High Efficiency Water Splitter
January 2, 2018 Researchers at Kyushu University have invented a ruthenium-driven device able to use a broad spectrum of light, including ultraviolet, visible, and near infrared light beyond visible red light. As a result, it nearly doubles the amount of solar photons harvested and the production of hydrogen is accelerated.
Osaka University Low-Cost Photocatalyst
January 2, 2018 Researchers at Osaka University have developed a photocatalyst for producing hydrogen from water using inexpensive graphitic carbon nitride and black phosphorus in lieu of expensive metals. Of particular interest is that it works with different wavelengths of light, even low-energy, near infrared.
Germany’s Artificial Sun to Produce Hydrogen
June 5, 2021 A research facility in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, has built Synlight, an artificial sun intended to develop production processes for solar fuels, including hydrogen. The system consists of 149 Xenon short-arc lamps focused on an area of 20 x 20 centimeters in a 3-story building. Synlight’s 350-kilowatt array … Continue reading
Japanese Large-Scale Hydrogen System
January 2, 2018 Toshiba Corporation, Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc. and Iwatani Corporation announced that they will construct and operate a large-scale hydrogen energy system in Namie-cho, Fukushima prefecture, based on a 10,000 kW class hydrogen production facility.
Tidal-Powered Hydrogen Generated
January 2, 2018 The European Marine Energy Centre, LTD has produced hydrogen gas using electricity generated from tidal energy in Orkney, a first anywhere in the world.
Low-Cost Solar/Hydrogen System
January 2, 2018 Hypersolar, Inc. has announced a patented nanoparticle solar hydrogen technology is designed to systematically produce hydrogen at the most cost-efficient rate possible. The goal for the GEN 2 system is $2.90 per Kg. While a high performance prototype has not been produced, significant progress has been made, … Continue reading
Electrolyteless Gas Phase Water Splitting
December 29, 2017 Researchers at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, and at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have found that a newly developed compound, synthetic molybdenum-sulphide, acts as a semi-conductor and catalyses the splitting of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen atoms. They discovered that mixing the compound with titanium … Continue reading
Comparison of Hydrogen Production Methods
December 28, 2017 A systematic comparison of hydrogen production from fossil fuels, biomass resources and electrolysis has been jointly prepared by scientists from the North China Electric Power University (Beijing), Queen’s University (Belfast), and the College of Engineering Roorkee (India). The four pathways to hydrogen production considered in this research … Continue reading