Climate Change & Lima, Peru 2014

December 2, 2014
The ongoing United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (December 1 through 12, 2014) in Lima must not fail to slow, and eventually halt, the use of fossil fuels and nuclear energy to generate electricity. That would greatly reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the principal cause of climate change, and eliminate the threat of meltdowns and grid destruction whether by acts of nature, war or terrorism. The technology exists, it’s been tested and it works. Other than the influence of powerful monopolies, there’s no valid reason not to use solar energy to mass produce hydrogen by electrolysis. The potential demand is immense, for unlike other fuels, only hydrogen can produce pure, priceless water.

Hopefully the illustrious delegates will realize, while in Lima, that the majestic Andes, the Pacific Ocean and the sun can get the job done. They’re idle, put them to work! Plan A would stimulate the global economy and (eventually) conquer drought. It would create millions of jobs, increase the purchasing power of the poor and eliminate the dangerous competition for limited non-renewable oil and gas resources among the great (nuclear) powers. Improve the environment and make the world safer for your descendants. The time for talking, negotiating and bickering is over (the Secretary General of the United Nations agrees). Act!

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